Wednesday 3 December 2008


Today was the first workshop for learning how to use Adobe after effects, which I didnt think would interest me in the slightest and o dear me its brain hurting! lol! But after a few shots at it I started to learn the basics of what the panels mean and what they can do and how to move and animate and image.

Ok my video isnt the best in the world but it shows the basics and that I have experimented and to be honest Ive never even used the program in my life and never new it existed until I came here! I will be using it now and again to experiment and Im sure the workshops will help me alot more, but it does get a bit frusterating but Im determined to keep working at it and make a good video clip.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

What is Digital Media?

Its not just about video and multi media, its about the digital content that helps you to communicate with the market through the use of media graphics, photographs, video, multimedia presentations etc.