Friday, 27 February 2009


During this module I have learnt alot of new skills that have become quite useful to me. I have looked at Design in a new light that I had never looked at before I have now become more interested in idents and adverts that I see on television and always think to myself howon earth did someone do that? But what I have realised is that if you put your mind to it you can do anything. Overall I think I have done rather well considering I have never touched animation or web design before and always said to myself I wouldnt.

From the research I collected over Christmas I found it quite difficult at first to think how was I going to make this into an animation but in the end I found that my animation and designs fitted quite well with my subject and what I was trying to communicate. I have developed more skills in After Effects since creating the Silent Movie which I think sometime in the future I may what to develop my skills on After effects.

I think I preferred the Silent Movie animation as I found it easier to work with as there were more boundaries and it wasent to open but I suppose its all about development and experimentation which I have learnt alot in this brief its not always going to be right the first time.

IWEB I found very easy to learn and enjoyied creating my site alot this was my favourite part of the brief as it was something personal to me, even though it does have its faults and I was always worrying about it not working or losing work, my site turnd out to be quite successful in the end. I will definetly be using IWEB again alot to document my work, and also sending to other designers for work placements as I think its very professional way of working and easy to use.

If I was to improve anything it would have to be my Hair Animation because I think I could have experimented a little more with different images and type but the problem I had with this was that my first idea on paper didnt look right then once I had come up with my other idea I stuck to it, which I have been trying hard not to but I think why I did it was because I wasent to familiar with the software so I wanted to keep it quite simple. Which in a way is a good thing for me because it suited me.

I did try and push myself with it and try things I hadnt done before like the growing of the hair that was what nearly made me go mad it took me weeks to figure out how to do it but in the end it was all worth it, but I can say that I probably wont use after effects that much maybe from time to time because I would like to try out stop motion because that is something that looks more for me, but I will definetly be using IWEB again and I am looking forward to developing my skills on Dreamweaver, my options are open at the momement as I have become very interested in web design as well as typography but we will see what happens in the future.

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